We played for Sinead and Paul. The Nire church is tucked into the side of the hill in the Nire valley. Although the sun is shining outside, inside is cold until the heaters are fired up and doors closed. Sitting near the back opposite the door so it’s a bit windy as guests enter! Rehearsed with singer You are Mine, an Alleluia, Ag Chriost an Siol and Ave Maria.
This was the music list:
Processional: Canon, Pachelbel
Lighting of both candles: Lascia Chio Pianga
responsorial; you are mine
Lighting of the Unity Candle: Gabriel’s Oboe
Offertory: Ag Criost an Siol
Sign of Peace: Inis Oirr
Communion: shuberts ave maria and Intermezzo
Signing of the Registry: Spring, Vivaldi and Bittersweet Symphony
Recessional: Viva La Vida
I arranged Viva la Vida and bittersweet symphony for the trio. The trio sounded great with the lovely acoustics of this church.

The priest talked about most important things about marriage…
1. Respect for each other. If respect is lost in any way marriage begins to crumble.
2. Communication – always keep communicating or you can drift apart. Even if you are away from home or when things are not so good.
3. Love is either growing or not growing, either going up or down on the scale. It is never static. So when you come to a ripe old age you are more in love than when you married.

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